Barnett Participates in CIANJ/MSU Program on LSRP Disputes

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Connell Foley partner Steve Barnett is a speaker at the "Approaches to Resolving Differences of Professional Judgment - Site Remediation" program, presented by CIANJ in partnership with Montclair State University (MSU)’s Continuing Environmental Education Program.  Mr. Barnett will present alongside Bob Blauvelt, LSRP, GEI Consultants, on “Current Legal Cases/Technical Disputes” at the February 27, 2015 program.  The workshop is intended to give the licensed site remediation professional (LSRP), the attorney, the engineer, the environmental consultant and the responsible party, an overview of the various decision points with a cleanup and possible approaches to resolving differences.

Click here, for full agenda and registration.

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